Thanks to those who provided feedback on their experience using the Winning Organisation Model. You've provoked me to sit down and work on a few simplifications and improvements that I'm confident will make the material easier to use.
Senior leaders often assume their people understand their vision and are aligning their effort to the high leverage opportunities according to a strategic plan. Unfortunately, the reality is most organisations operate with significant misalignment. It requires continuous and systematic effort by leadership to achieve alignment. How much time do your leaders devote to building alignment?
Alignment is critical to achieving goals better, faster and cheaper.
Alignment begins with the recognition that clarity in language and understanding demands regular communication and testing. Effective leaders listen to their employees as they seek to understand if what's important to them aligns with what's important to the organisation.
To be able to hear, leaders must create an environment where it's safe for employees to speak openly about what they see, and feel is impacting the effectiveness of the organisation to achieve its goals.
The four critical capabilities of Value Focus- Effective Leadership-Operational Excellence-Organisational Effectiveness help build alignment of effort to the few highest value opportunities.
What is alignment worth? It can be the difference in staying ahead of the competition.
In the second edition of "Building Winning Organisations", I'll outline some of the most important ways leaders can build an engaged and aligned organization.